Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ade rupa ye pasal physiotherapy

erm semak punye semak rupenye ada pasal physiotherapy, maklumat semua dalam bentuk pdf file.

mula2 saya click pada bahagian penerbitan dan rujukan
2. pergi ke senarai panduan amalan klinikal (cpg) - kat sini ada senarai link berkaitan dgn physiotherapy seperti dalam gambar di bwh:

- yang berkaitan physiotherapy saya tengok iaitu cardiovascular, cancer, Paediatric & child health, eye condition, haematology,gastroenterology, orthopaedics and skin condition. Sumber ini boeh digunakan untuk treatment patient bagi setiap masalah kesihatan yg berbeza

- Sedikit definisi (sumber : ): 
      1) Cardiovascular =>relating to the heart and the blood vessels
      2)Paediatric  =>the branch of medical science concerned with children and their diseases
      3)haematology =>the branch of medical science concerned with diseases of the blood and blood-forming tissues
      4)gastroenterology =>The branch of medicine dealing with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.

     5)orthopaedics =>the branch of conditions involving the musculoskeletal system

3) step 3 boleh download pdf file :

note : boleh guna keyword for content framework =>" clinical practise guildeline in physiotherapy"

kalo ada sikit perlu catit

Rabu 13/3/2013


erm tibe ade idea, tapi entah maaf dr, mcm x formal pulak. kalo ade idea kena catit, klo x catit dalam buku, tak pon dalam otak je la.

hari ni tgk portal kementerian kesihatan malaysia (KKM) jap, pastu keluar idea.bayangkan klo content framework untuk physiotherapy boleh combine untuk portal mobile KKM kan bagus. Boleh menambah content maklumat tentang physiotherapy dalam portal mobile KKM. Sebab kalau tgk portal KKM , banyak fokus kepada overall information pasal kesihatan je. Tapi nak tahu jugak , apa sebenar polisi untuk maklumat kesihatan , klo dalam bhs kesihatannye Health Level 7.erm, curious nak tahu

rajin2 menaip hajar =)
p/s : Dr x pe kan klo saya tulis kat blog ni bhs yg x formal. Sedia menerima teguran dari Dr.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Telehealth issue in Malaysia

18 November 2012 | last updated at 08:25AM

Progressing towards using telehealth

SINGAPORE: REMOTE CARE: A growing ageing population, shortage of doctors and nurses are leading to change
HOSPITALS in Malaysia should consider investing more in telehealth to improve healthcare delivery and efficiency in the country.
Telehealth or telemedicine involves the use of proprietary software and electronic devices with audio and visual capabilities to assist in the provision of medical care to patients.
"With only 30 intensivists (intensive care unit specialists) in Malaysia, remote areas with less developed healthcare facilities, for example in East Malaysia, can capitalise on the expertise available in the peninsula by centrally managing patients across the nation.
"This would help improve the overall healthcare quality across the whole country," said Philips Healthcare Asia Pacific senior vice-president and commercial leader Wayne Spittle in an interview during a healthcare session at the Philips Asia Media Summit here recently.
Spittle said telehealth solutions would not take away the personal interaction between patients and hospital staff as it still provides the human touch through its audio and visual capabilities.
"There is immediate medical attention throughout the day, unlike the standard mode of operation today, where patients need to wait to receive medical attention because of travel time between wards and across the entire hospital."
Several countries have begun capitalising on telehealth.
At a general hospital in Orange, New South Wales, Australia, beds have been linked to a clinical information portfolio computer system to give staff immediate access to patients' conditions from a central location.
Singapore hospitals have invested in ICU IT solutions to enable critical care medical staff to actively monitor patients in ICUs from remote locations.
The Hanh Phuc International Women and Children hospital in Vietnam has a central maternal-fetal monitoring station as well as wireless foetal monitoring solutions which provide clinicians with vital information to track patients throughout the labour and delivery period.
Surgeons at the Methodist Hospital in Houston, the United States, use a robotic system controlled from a remote location to unblock the arteries of patients with blocked peripheral arteries. Using video and integrated medical devices, medical experts are now providing services to communities in the most remote areas.
Industry analyst Datamonitor estimated that this year, the global spending on overall telehealth market (including home telehealth) will exceed US$6 billion (RM18.4 billion).
Spittle said with a growing ageing populations, the rise of chronic non-communicable diseases and the shortage of doctors and nurses, hospitals would lead the shift to telehealth solutions.

References:News Strait Times online and http://malaysianmedicine.blogspot.com

* http://malaysianmedicine.blogspot.com - This blogspot has been provide many news related health information in Malaysia

News about Mediktv

07 December 2012 | last updated at 01:05AM
Tackling obesity right from young

FIRST 1,000 DAYS PROGRAMME: Move to educate mums on dos, don'ts

SUBANG JAYA: THE Health Ministry plans to focus on fighting obesity to reduce a host of non-communicable diseases (NCD) among Malaysians next year.
Its minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said most NCD such as diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases were caused by unhealthy eating habits which made one overweight or obese.
"It's time to focus on disease prevention as the burden has reached a critical level," he said after launching MedikTv Live Now channel here.
MedikTv, an official Health Ministry channel, is expected to broadcast nationwide in government hospitals and selected clinics next month.
Liow said obesity was closely linked to diet-related chronic diseases which could be prevented.
He said NCD saw a rise in recent years. In 2006 only 11 per cent of Malaysians had diabetes but last year the figure rose to 15.1 per cent.
Also, a study by the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) showed that the prevalence of high blood pressure had risen from 32.2 per cent in 2006 to 32.7 per cent last year. In 1996 only 4.4 per cent of Malaysians were obese but last year it shot up to over 15 per cent with a Body Mass Index of more than 30.
Liow said a "first 1,000 days programme" for infants would be announced next month as obesity was getting younger, moving from older Malaysians in the past, to adolescence now.
"We need to fight it from the infant stage."
He said the first thousand days was the most important to provide the child with proper nutrients, educating the mother on the importance of breast feeding, right diet for the child and ensure parents do not over feed their children.

*non-communicable diseases(NCD) refer to obesity.

MyHealth continue...

Myhealth in mobile is develop with an application.

This portal is so interesting and nice. This portal get collaboration with below company and government sector:

MyHealth :Information Technology in Ministry of Health Malaysia

MyHealth is the portal that has been use by Ministry of Health Malaysia in order to deliver information about healthcare for Malaysian. The link for this portal: http://www.myhealth.gov.my/v2/. For languages , user can access the portal by two languages ; Malay and English.

In MyHealth , there have provide menu such as below to deliver information to Malaysian through out the age:

Besides that, news , current issues , health alert and latest article that related with healthcare in include in the portal..

This portal provide several service for user to get information and also feedback

MyHealth is also use media like facebook, twitter and youtube as medium to deliver their message, the link as below:

3. www.youtube.com/myhealthkkm

MyHealth can be access through mobile such as

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Blackberry
  • Android
  • Smartphone
  • PDA
  • Symbian
  • and other mobile phone that can read  XHTML 1.0 code and WAP
In get feedback from user and make easy for user to ask any question, this portal use MySms system to help user:

Any question from user will be answer in 3 day by expertise in medical.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Proposal presentation on Research Methodology

Semalam (Khamis 6/12/12), saya dah present proposal tuk kelas Research Methodology. Antara komen dan keputusan yang saya dapat drpd Dr Subariah.

1. Perlu statekan problem statement dengan jelas.
    Dalam proposal syaa lupa nak statekan problem statement. Masa present, saya nyatakan problem statement iaitu limitation of research and industry experience on proven content and strategies in mobile health industry. Because of less user in mobile health application, then we propose the new framework for mobile health physiotherapy to exploit the commercial value of mobile health application

2. Objective jelas..

3. Purpose of research -must be in front and before objective

4. Research methodology- i must to arrange back to ensure the phases are mapping to objective.

Saya tak pergi discussion dengan Dr Joest sebab saya lupa nak tanye bilik discussion yang mana kat Jabatan SE pada Dr Toni Anwar, dah try jumpa Dr toni kat bilik , dia x ada. Lepas tu, saya try tanye pada lecturer jabatan SE and staff kat pejabat postgraduate, tapi mereka tak tahu mengenai discussion. Jadi saya tak dapat pergi. Maaf atas ketidakahadiran itu, Dr.